Bugspotter's Industry Oriented Advance Data Science Course

100% Placement Assistance | Offline + Live Online Sessions

4 Month Personalized Live Python Data Science Training is taught by industry experts in a comprehensive & question-oriented format.

Enroll Before: August 29, 2024


Students Trained


Placement Assistance

August 29, 2024

Start Date


EMI Available

7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Lecture Timings ( IST )

Key Highlights Of The Advance Data Science Course

Get familiar with our online Python Data Science course syllabus.


Our hybrid online Advance Data Science Course is designed to teach students the basics to the advanced level concepts of Python Data Science with practice assignments and offline in-class projects which helps them to get placed in MNC’s.

Term 1

In this term, you will learn how to ace Python Basics, Python OOPS and Python Libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy, etc…  

Python Basics :

  •  Why python
  • Python IDE
  • Basics of programming
  • Variables , Data Types
  • Conditional statements
  • Loops
  • Logical Thinking
  • Data Structures
  • Functions and types of arguments
  • Lambda Functions
  • memory Management
  • garbage collector
  • Copies - shallow copy, deep copy
  • Higher Order Functions - Map , Reduce , Filter
  • Iterable , Iterator , generator
  • Exception handling
  • Programming interview questions

Python OOPS :

  • Class
  • constructor and its types , Destructor
  • Types of variables - instance , static
  • Inheritance - Single , Multiple , Multilevel , Hierarchical
  • polymorphism
  • duck typing
  • Overloading - method , Operator , constructor
  • overriding - method , Constructor
  • Super Function
  • Encapsulation
  • access Modifiers
  • Abstraction
  • monkey patching

Pandas :

  • Introduction to Pandas
    Series Data Structure
  • Data Frame Data Structure
  • Merging DataFrame
  • Read Complex CSV , JSON , excel Files using pandas
  • Write to File
  • Data Frame Manipulation - head , Tail , Describe , shape ,Drop , inplace
  • loc & I=iloc
  • Apply Function
  • Value count
  • Add Column
  • Add Row To DataFrame - using concat,Append
  • Order By Operation
  • Sort Values
  • Group by operation
  • Pivot Table
  • Date/ Time Functionality
  • Example Manipulating DataFrame

Matplotlib :

  • line graph
  • bar Plot
  • scatter plot
  • pie chart
  • other function

Numpy :

  • Introduction to Numpy
  • Creating Arrays , Indexing , Slicing
  • Data Types
  • Copy vs View
  • Array Shape & Reshape
  • Arrays Split & Joins
  • Arrays Filter
  • Seaborn Model

Data Engineering in Python :

  • Handling Missing Data
  • Techniques to inpute missing Values
  • Meaningful Data transformation
  • Encoding Data
    Data Visualization in Python
  • Read Json , CSV's, excels

Term 2

In this term, you will learn how to ace MySQL, AWS, Tools & IDE’S


  • Data Types
  • DQL
  • DDL
  • DML
  • TCL
  • DCL
  • Key Constraints
  • Operators
  • Clouses
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Indexes
  • Views
  • Triggers
  • Sub Queries & Nested Queries


  • Use of AWS
  • Cloud computing models
  • S3
  • AWS Data Pipeline
  • EMR
  • AWS Glue
  • Athena
  • Redshift

Azure devops :

  • Use Of Devops
  • CI/ CD Pipeline
  • work item
  • sprints
  • repository
  • state of task
  • Repose Clone
  • pull request

Git :

  • Use of Git
  • feature branch
  • clone
  • Add
  • Commit
  • Push


  • PowerBI :
    • Dashboards
    • Application
  • DBeaver :
    • Connection Process
    • DB Manipulation
  • Jupyter Notebook :
    • Google Colaboratory
    • Pycharm

Term 3

In this term, you will learn how to ace Framework and industry projects

Pyspark :

  • Use of Pyspark For Data Science
  • Spark Session & RDD
  • Timestamp
  • Schema
  • Parallelize
  • Broadcast Variable
  • Create DataFrame
  • Transformations & actions
  • Empty DataFrame
  • Structure type and structure field
  • Select
  • Collect
  • WithColumn
  • Where & Filter
  • Drop & Drop Duplicate
  • orderby and sortby
  • Groupby
  • Joins
  • union and union all
  • union byname
  • map , flatmap
  • Sample by vs Sample
  • Pivote
  • maptype
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Windows Function
  • Read and Write in CSV
  • When
  • Split
  • collect
  • Row number
  • dense rank

1) E-Commerce

2) Banking Domain

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Live Projects
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Detailed Course Syllabus & Trainer List

Join our comprehensive Data Science course and qualify for top industry roles, including:

Data Engineer: Building and maintaining data pipelines, and working with data storage solutions and tools such as AWS Glue, Redshift, and MySQL.

Quantitative Analyst: Applying quantitative techniques to financial and business data, leveraging Python for data manipulation and analysis.

Data Analyst: Performing data analysis and visualization using tools like Pandas, Matplotlib, and PowerBI, and creating actionable insights from data.

Cloud Data Engineer: Working with cloud services and data pipelines, including AWS services like S3, EMR, and Athena.

DevOps Engineer: Implementing CI/CD pipelines and managing version control with Git, focusing on automation and integration in data engineering projects.

Tools You’ll Master


Our Learners Work At


₹30,000 + Taxes

Start Date:

Aug 29, 2024

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Enroll Now and get 5% Off On Course Fees

Enroll Now and get 5% Off On Course Fees

Enroll Now and get 5% Off On Course Fees