Name | Age | City |
John Doe | 25 | New York |
Jane Smith | 32 | London |
Bob Johnson | 40 | Paris |
Alice Williams | 28 | Tokyo |
This is the content for Tab 1.
This is the text tab content.
This is the content for Tab 2.
This is the content for Tab 3.
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 |
Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | Data 4 |
Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | Data 4 |
Data 1 | Data 2 | Data 3 | Data 4 |
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Test Case | Test Case Description | Test Steps | Expected Results |
TC-001 | Verify Page Title |
TC-002 | Verify Login Functionality with Valid Credentials |
TC-003 | Verify Login Functionality with Invalid Credentials |
TC-004 | Verify Product Search Functionality with Existing Product |
TC-005 | Verify Product Search Functionality with Non-Existing Product |
TC-006 | Verify Product Sorting Functionality by Price (Low to High) |
TC-007 | Verify Product Sorting Functionality by Price (High to Low) |
TC-008 | Verify Add to Cart Functionality |
TC-009 | Verify Remove from Cart Functionality |
TC-010 | Verify Checkout Process |