Become a Certified Data Analyst and Unlock Your Future!

100% Placement Assistance | Live Online Sessions

3 Month Personalized Live Data Analyst Training is taught by industry experts in a comprehensive & question-oriented format.

Enroll Before: Sep 01, 2024


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Placement Assistance

Sep 1, 2024

Start Date


EMI Available

7:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Lecture Timings ( IST )

Key Highlights Of The Data Analyst Course

Get familiar with our online Data Anaylst course syllabus.


Our hybrid online Data Analyst  course is designed to teach students the basics to the advanced level concepts of Data Analyst with practice assignments and offline in-class projects which helps them to get placed in MNC’s.

Term 1

In this term, you will learn how to ace Data Analytics

  • Overview of Data Analytics
  • Role of a Data Analyst
  • Introduction to Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Tools and Technologies used in Data Analysis

Term 2

In this term, you will learn how to ace Data Analytics

  • Intro to Power BI
  • Data Acquisition & Transform.
  • Modeling Basics
  • Visualization Techniques
  • Formatting & Custom Visuals 
  • Advanced DAX             
  • Power Query M Language
  • Power BI Service              
  • Data Refresh and Gateways    
  • Power BI Administration     
  • Dataflow                  
  • Paginated Reports             
  • Performance Optimization      
  • Power BI Embedded         
  • Final Project and Review 

Term 3

In this term, you will learn how to ace Data Analytics

Data Collection And Data Wrangling

  • Data Sources and Types
  • Data Collection Techniques
  • Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
    • Handling Missing Data
    • Data Transformation and Normalization
    • Outlier Detection and Treatment
  • Introduction to Data Wrangling Tools (e.g., Excel, SQL, Python)

Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualization

  • Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode)
  • Measures of Dispersion (Range, Variance, Standard Deviation)
  • Data Distribution (Normal, Skewness, Kurtosis)
  • Introduction to Data Visualization
    • Charts and Graphs (Bar, Pie, Line, Histogram)
    • Dashboarding (using Power BI, Tableau)

Data Visualization Best Practices

Term 4

In this term, you will learn how to ace Data Analytics

  • Excel Basics: Formulas, Functions, and Pivot Tables
  • Data Analysis Tools in Excel
  • Performing Statistical Analysis in Excel
  • Creating Data Models in Excel
  • Advanced Excel Functions (VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH)

Term 5

In this term, you will learn how to ace Data Analytics

  • Introduction to Databases and SQL
  • Basic SQL Queries
  • SQL Joins and Subqueries
  • Data Aggregation and Grouping
  • Advanced SQL Functions (Window Functions, CTEs)
  • SQL for Data Analysis: Case Studies

  • Introduction to Python Programming
  • Python Libraries for Data Analysis (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn)
  • Data Manipulation with Pandas
    • DataFrames, Series, Indexing, and Filtering
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
    • Descriptive Statistics, Correlation Analysis
  • Data Visualization in Python
    • Creating Visualizations with Matplotlib and Seaborn

  • Probability Theory
  • Hypothesis Testing
    • t-tests, ANOVA, Chi-Square Test
  • Regression Analysis
    • Simple Linear Regression
    • Multiple Regression
    • Logistic Regression
  • Introduction to Time Series Analysis

Term 6

In this term, you will learn how to ace Data Analytics

  • The Importance of Data Storytelling
  • Techniques for Effective Data Communication
  • Creating Reports and Dashboards
  • Presenting Data Analysis Results to Stakeholders

  • Real-World Data Analysis Project
  • Problem Identification and Data Collection
  • Data Cleaning and Analysis
  • Visualization and Reporting

Presentation of Findings

  • Building a Data Analyst Portfolio
  • Resume Writing and Interview Preparation
  • Networking and Industry Best Practices
  • Job Search Strategies and Career Pathway

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Live Projects
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Detailed Course Syllabus & Trainer List

Tools You’ll Master

Join our comprehensive Data Analyst course and qualify for top industry roles, including:

Power BI Developer

  • Master the art of creating interactive dashboards and reports with Power BI.
  • Gain the skills to transform raw data into meaningful insights.
  • Become a key player in data-driven decision-making processes.

Data Analyst

  • Learn to analyze complex datasets, identify trends, and make data-driven recommendations.
  • Develop expertise in tools like Excel, SQL, and Python for effective data analysis.
  • Step into a role that is at the heart of business strategy and performance.

MIS Analyst

  • Specialize in managing and interpreting data to improve business efficiency.
  • Use tools like Excel and SQL to generate and analyze reports for management.
  • Become the go-to expert for management information systems in your organization.

Process Excellence Analyst

  • Focus on improving business processes through data analysis and optimization.
  • Gain skills in identifying process bottlenecks and recommending solutions.
  • Play a crucial role in enhancing productivity and driving organizational success.

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Start Date:

Sep 01, 2024

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