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Commonly asked Selenium Core Java questions for automation testing
Questions    Â
What is Selenium and what are its components?
What are the advantages of using Selenium for testing?
What are the limitations of Selenium?
How do you set up Selenium with Java?
What is a WebDriver?
What is the difference between findElement and findElements in Selenium?
What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() in Selenium?
How do you handle alerts in Selenium?
How do you handle multiple windows in Selenium?
What are the different types of waits in Selenium?
What is the difference between implicit and explicit waits in Selenium?
What is Page Object Model (POM) in Selenium?
What is TestNG and how is it used with Selenium?
How do you execute JavaScript code in Selenium?
How do you take screenshots in Selenium?
What is a Selenium Grid and how is it used?
What is the difference between Absolute XPath and Relative XPath in Selenium?
How do you handle dropdowns in Selenium?
What are the different types of locators in Selenium?
What is a NoSuchElementException in Selenium?
How do you handle frames in Selenium?
What is a DesiredCapabilities class in Selenium?
How do you handle cookies in Selenium?
How do you handle synchronization issues in Selenium?
How do you handle broken links in Selenium?
What is a headless browser and how is it used with Selenium?
How do you handle dynamic web elements in Selenium?
What is a Robot Class in Selenium?
What is an Actions Class in Selenium?
How do you handle SSL certificate errors in Selenium?
How do you handle file uploads in Selenium?
What is the difference between assert and verify in Selenium?
How do you handle pop-up windows in Selenium?
What is a WebElement in Selenium?
What is a Select Class in Selenium?
How do you handle JavaScript alerts in Selenium?
What is a TestListener in Selenium?
What is the difference between @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod in TestNG?
What is the difference between @Test(enabled = false) and @Ignore in TestNG?
How do you handle dynamic tables in Selenium?
How do you handle mouse and keyboard events in Selenium?
What is the difference between findElement and findElements in Selenium?
How do you handle broken images in Selenium?
What is the difference between headless and non-headless browsers in Selenium?
How do you handle synchronization issues in Selenium?
How do you handle JavaScript errors in Selenium?
How do you handle dynamic dropdowns in Selenium?
What is a Test Suite in Selenium?
How do you handle SSL certificate errors in Selenium?
What is the difference between assert and verify in Selenium?
What is a TestNG listener in Selenium?
What is the difference between @BeforeTest and @BeforeMethod in TestNG?
How do you handle dynamic tables in Selenium?
What is the difference between @Test(enabled = false) and @Ignore in TestNG?
How do you handle mouse and keyboard events in Selenium?
What is the difference between executeScript and executeAsyncScript in Selenium?
How do you handle frame switching in Selenium?
How do you handle Ajax calls in Selenium?
What is a Soft Assertion in TestNG?
What is a Hard Assertion in TestNG?
How do you handle dynamic web pages in Selenium?
What is a Selenium server?
What is object-oriented programming?
What is inheritance in Java?
What is polymorphism in Java?
What is encapsulation in Java?
What is abstraction in Java?
What is a constructor in Java?
What is method overloading in Java?
What is method overriding in Java?
What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding in Java?
What is a static keyword in Java?
What is a final keyword in Java?
What is an abstract class in Java?
What is an interface in Java?
What is a package in Java?
What is a classpath in Java?
What is a constructor chaining in Java?
What is a try-catch block in Java?
What is a throw keyword in Java?
What is an exception in Java?
What is the difference between checked and unchecked exceptions in Java?
What is the use of finally block in Java?
What is a file in Java?
What is a stream in Java?
What is the difference between FileInputStream and FileReader in Java?
What is a Properties file in Java?
What is a Map in Java?
What is a List in Java?
What is a Set in Java?
What is a Iterator in Java?
What is a Comparator in Java?
What is a Lambda expression in Java?
What is a Stream API in Java?
What is a Thread in Java?
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automation testing
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