SQL most important command for interview

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SQL most important command for interview

SQL commands are instructions used to interact with databases. They allow you to perform various operations, such as retrieving, manipulating, and managing data within a database. These commands can be grouped into different categories based on their functions:

1. Data Query Language (DQL)

These commands are used to query and retrieve data from a database. The most common DQL command is SELECT, which allows you to retrieve specific data from one or more tables based on certain conditions.

2. Data Definition Language (DDL)

These commands are used to define and modify database structures, such as tables and schemas. CREATE is used to create new tables or other database objects, ALTER is used to modify existing objects (like adding or deleting columns), and DROP is used to delete objects like tables or views from the database.

3. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

These commands are used to manipulate the data within the database. INSERT is used to add new records to a table, UPDATE is used to modify existing records, and DELETE is used to remove records from a table.

4. Data Control Language (DCL)

These commands are used to control access to the data in the database. GRANT gives specific privileges (like read or write access) to a user, and REVOKE removes those privileges.

5. Transaction Control Language (TCL)

These commands manage transactions in a database, ensuring that operations are completed successfully or rolled back in case of errors. COMMIT saves all changes made during a transaction, while ROLLBACK undoes changes. SAVEPOINT allows you to set a point within a transaction to which you can roll back, and SET TRANSACTION is used to configure transaction properties like isolation levels.

Give some examples of common SQL commands of each type

1. Data Query Language (DQL)

These commands are used to retrieve data from the database.

  • SELECT: Retrieves data from one or more tables.
    • Example: “Get all records from the employees table.”
      • SELECT * FROM employees;
    • Example: “Get names and salaries of employees who earn more than $50,000.”
      • SELECT name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary > 50000;

2. Data Definition Language (DDL)

These commands are used to define and modify database structures like tables, views, and indexes.

  • CREATE: Creates a new table, database, or other objects.

    • Example: “Create a new table called employees.”
      • CREATE TABLE employees (id INT, name VARCHAR(50), salary DECIMAL(10, 2));
  • ALTER: Modifies an existing database object (like a table or column).

    • Example: “Add a new column called hire_date to the employees table.”
      • ALTER TABLE employees ADD hire_date DATE;
  • DROP: Deletes a table, view, or other database objects.

    • Example: “Delete the employees table.”
      • DROP TABLE employees;
  • TRUNCATE: Deletes all rows from a table, but keeps the table structure.

    • Example: “Remove all records from the employees table.”
      • TRUNCATE TABLE employees;

3. Data Manipulation Language (DML)

These commands are used to insert, update, and delete data in the tables.

  • INSERT: Adds new records (rows) to a table.

    • Example: “Add a new employee to the employees table.”
      • INSERT INTO employees (id, name, salary) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 60000);
  • UPDATE: Modifies existing records in a table.

    • Example: “Increase the salary of employee with ID 1.”
      • UPDATE employees SET salary = 65000 WHERE id = 1;
  • DELETE: Removes records from a table.

    • Example: “Delete employee with ID 1 from the employees table.”
      • DELETE FROM employees WHERE id = 1;

4. Data Control Language (DCL)

These commands are used to control permissions and access to the database.

  • GRANT: Provides specific privileges to a user or role.

    • Example: “Grant the SELECT privilege to user john on the employees table.”
      • GRANT SELECT ON employees TO john;
  • REVOKE: Removes privileges from a user or role.

    • Example: “Revoke the SELECT privilege from user john on the employees table.”
      • REVOKE SELECT ON employees FROM john;

5. Transaction Control Language (TCL)

These commands are used to manage transactions, ensuring consistency and reliability.

  • COMMIT: Saves the changes made during a transaction.

    • Example: “Commit all changes made in the current transaction.”
      • COMMIT;
  • ROLLBACK: Reverts all changes made during the current transaction.

    • Example: “If something goes wrong, roll back the changes.”
      • ROLLBACK;
  • SAVEPOINT: Sets a point within a transaction to which you can later roll back.

    • Example: “Create a savepoint in the transaction.”
      • SAVEPOINT sp1;
  • SET TRANSACTION: Configures properties like transaction isolation levels.

    • Example: “Set the transaction isolation level to SERIALIZABLE.”

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