1. Write java program to to find 2 nd highest value in array.
2. Write java program for String to display words without repeated words
3. Write logic for finding length of string.
4.write code for broken links
5. How to check colour in automation
6. What is CI/CD
7.write code of POM and Pagefactory
8.Explain Encapsulation
9. What is an Super?
10. Write program for prime no
11. Write program for addition of numbers from string
12.write program for finding repeated words from string
13.write program for sorting numbers of array
14.Explain the framework which you are using.
15. Tell me the automation script for selecting particular mobile from 100s of pages from Amazon website
16.Tell me your daily routine
17. Explain oops concept relating to your project or framework
18.what is an BDD explain it
19. Tell me query for given table ex order by query, join query.
20. Tell me query for selecting highest and Second highest value
21. You have to select particular product and you have to place order from Amazon tell me some high level scenarios and test cases
22. Tell me 5 negative test cases for makemy trip website for flight ticket booking
23. Tell me output for following programs
24. What is an wrapper class
25. Which cloud you are using in your company.
1.what is difference between sdlc and stlc
2. what is GUI testing and used?
3.retesting and regression testing with live example?
4. explain your project
5.if you require more time for testing to complete any task and given very less time then what will you do as a tester?
6.why tester are needed when developer can do same task?
7.what is 401 , 404, 504, status code ?
8. write down program rever string ?
9. Name some of the commonly used Automation Testing tools that are used for Functional Automation.
10. Explain the difference between assert and verify commands?
11. What are the different types of annotations which are used in Selenium?
12. Write a code snippet to launch Firefox browser in WebDriver.
13. What is classloader?
14. What are the advantages of Packages in Java?
1.Tell me about yourself
2. why do you want to work at our company
3. are you willing to relocate or travel
4. Tell me something about our company
5. how much salary do you expect
6. what was the toughest challenge you have ever faced
7. why should we hire you? explain any three reason?
8. Why are you switching from your current job
1) Tell me about yourself?
2) What is your current project? and what are the model do you have working?
3) What is the process flow of your project?
4) What is the module?
5) Take the example of amazon.com ecommerce site and tell me which module are there?
6) Which bug tracking tool do you have used? Tell me how you map write the test cases in JIRA?
7) How TRM implemented in JIRA or how you cover all functionalities with help of JIRA?
8) What is the selenium architecture?
9) What is the difference between smoke & sanity testing?
10) What is meant bug life cycle?
11) What are the locators that you are used in selenium?
12) What is the difference between link text & partial link text?
13) What is the difference between BVA and ECP.
1 What is manual Testing?
2 What are different Environments of testing?
3 what is agile and why your organization use Agile methodologies.
4 what is defect and Issue.
5 differentiate b/w Static Testing and Dynamic testing.
6 When and why we perform regression testing.
7 Difference between Re testing and regression testing.
8 What is mean by epic
9 What is state transition technique.
10 Difference between Client Side Validation and Server side validation.
11 He give me a task to write Test Cases on IRCTC website login page for search button.
12 What is build testing and is it compulsory to perform.
13 What r different error codes.
14 what are threads and where we can add in j meter
15 Tell me oops concept.
16 What is Selenium architecture.
17 What is locators how many of you use.
18 How many frameworks do you know?
19 What is TESTNG
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