What is Bagging in Machine Learning ?

What is Bagging in Machine Learning ?


Hey there, data enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to dive into a crucial concept in machine learning called Bagging—an ensemble learning technique that can significantly improve the accuracy and robustness of our models. So, whether you’re new to machine learning or looking to refresh your knowledge, stick around as we explore what Bagging is, how it works, and why it’s a powerful tool in your machine learning toolkit.

What is Bagging in Machine Learning ?

What is Bagging ?

Bagging stands for Bootstrap Aggregating. It’s an ensemble learning technique that combines the predictions from multiple models to create a stronger overall model. The key idea behind bagging is to reduce the variance of a machine learning algorithm by training multiple models on different subsets of the data and then averaging their predictions.

Let’s break that down further:

  • Bootstrap: In simple terms, bootstrap refers to a statistical method where we randomly sample the data with replacement. This means that each model gets a slightly different version of the dataset, but some data points might appear multiple times, while others might be left out.

  • Aggregating: After training each model, we combine their predictions. For regression problems, we typically take the average of the individual model predictions. For classification problems, we use a majority vote to decide the final class label.

Why Use Bagging?

The main motivation for using Bagging is to reduce variance. This is particularly useful for models that have high variance, like decision trees. Decision trees are prone to overfitting, which means they can perform great on training data but poorly on unseen data. Bagging helps stabilize their predictions by averaging or voting over multiple trees trained on different data subsets, making the model more robust.

Here’s why Bagging is so powerful:

  1. Reduces Overfitting: By averaging over multiple models, bagging reduces the model’s sensitivity to fluctuations in the data, leading to a more generalized model.

  2. Improves Accuracy: When multiple models are trained and combined, the likelihood of one model making a large error decreases. This leads to a more accurate overall prediction.

  3. Increases Stability: Bagging ensures that the final model doesn’t rely too much on any single data point or model, which increases its robustness against outliers and noise.

How Does Bagging Work?

Let’s walk through the steps of bagging using a simple example:

  1. Step 1: Bootstrapping (Sampling with Replacement)

    • Suppose you have a dataset with 1000 data points. In bagging, you’ll create multiple datasets by randomly sampling 1000 data points with replacement. This means each dataset may have some data points appearing more than once and others not appearing at all.
  2. Step 2: Train Multiple Models

    • For each of the bootstrapped datasets, you train a separate model. Let’s say we use decision trees as our base model. Now, you’ll have, for example, 10 decision trees, each trained on a slightly different subset of the original data.
  3. Step 3: Aggregating the Predictions

    • Once all models are trained, you combine their predictions. If it’s a regression problem, you’ll take the average of the predictions. If it’s a classification problem, you’ll use a majority vote to decide the class label.
  4. Step 4: Final Prediction

    • The combined prediction is your final output—typically much more accurate than any single model in isolation.


Bagging in Practice: Random Forests

You’ve probably heard of Random Forests—one of the most popular machine learning algorithms. In fact, Random Forest is essentially an extension of Bagging. It combines Bagging with another technique called feature randomization.

Here’s how Random Forests build on Bagging:

  • In Bagging, each model is trained on a random subset of the data.
  • In Random Forest, each decision tree is not only trained on a random subset of the data but also on a random subset of features. This randomness helps further reduce overfitting and ensures that the trees in the forest aren’t highly correlated with one another.

The result is an even more powerful and robust model that works well for both classification and regression tasks.


When to Use Bagging?

Bagging is especially useful in the following scenarios:

  • High Variance Models: Bagging is most beneficial when using models that are sensitive to fluctuations in the data. Decision trees are a prime example, but you can use bagging with other models as well.

  • Improving Accuracy: If you have a model that is overfitting or not performing well on unseen data, bagging can help increase its accuracy and robustness.

  • Large Datasets: Bagging can be used effectively on large datasets where you have enough data to create multiple bootstrapped subsets and train multiple models.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Bagging

Let’s take a quick look at some pros and cons of Bagging:


  • Reduces overfitting, particularly for high-variance models.
  • Improves model accuracy by combining multiple models.
  • Robust to outliers: The ensemble approach ensures that a few outliers don’t skew the results.
  • Parallelizable: Since each model is trained independently, bagging can be parallelized, making it efficient for large datasets.


  • Computationally Expensive: Training multiple models can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  • Less Interpretability: Since bagging uses multiple models, it can be difficult to interpret the final result, especially in comparison to a single decision tree or simpler models.
  • Not Effective for Low-Variance Models: Bagging doesn’t work as well with models that already have low variance, like linear regression, as the ensemble doesn’t add much value.

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